A Message From the Chairmen of RecycleForce and Keys2Work

Nov 2nd, 2020 • RecycleForce News

A Message from Doran Moreland

John and I are honored to lead RecycleForce and Keys2Work. I have been the chairman of RecycleForce for the past six years, and during that time our board leadership has worked to stabilize and grow the organization. In late 2014, we were worried that RecycleForce would not survive; today, it has been awarded more than $5 million in federal grants that allows RecycleForce to employ and train 600-plus returning citizens over the next several years. It also enjoys strong support and a better understanding in the local community on why our work is important as a crime reduction and workforce development strategy to help those most at-risk, while also protecting the environment.  

I am proud to hand over board leadership of this now strong organization to John Purcell. Not only do we have significant grant income and strong community support, but RecycleForce has received New Market Tax Credits (NMTC) that will help us build a new facility in the Sherman Park neighborhood. I am proud to have led RecycleForce to this important point in its development. We are here today because RecycleForce executive staff and our board were willing to take an honest and in-depth review of  the organization’s structure, leadership, and community perception to determine how best to improve the organization, achieve long-term sustainability, and reach the next level of growth. 
A key part of that organizational review was creating a sound succession plan for our current president, Gregg Keesling and board membership. I am pleased that Dustin Jones agreed to join the organization as Chief Operating Officer and we have restructured the board organization. 

I am also proud to have led the board’s efforts in helping Keys to Work, the alternative staffing company that Gregg and Jannett launched in 1996, evolve into a new 501(c)3 organization. Keys has been a for-profit company for the past 24-plus years, but as the board of RecycleForce worked with the local community it became clear that Keys should be a nonprofit, as well. In April of this year, RecycleForce helped create Keys2Work (Keys2) as a Type 1 Supporting Organization of RecycleForce. I have agreed to serve as the board president of Keys2 and help that organization grow and align its operations with RecycleForce. Working together, I am convinced that the two organizations can provide important opportunities for the hardest to serve in our community.

A Message from John Purcell

I am grateful for Doran’s leadership over the past six years.  Doran has guided the development and growth of RecycleForce so that we are poised to move to the next level. While the future is indeed bright, we have much work to do. I am excited about the linking of the new Keys2 with RecycleForce operations, developing a sound succession plan for key roles in the organization, and launching a new facility at Sherman Park, where we hope to become a foundational piece for the community. 
It is my pleasure to share with you the membership of the boards for both RecycleForce and Keys2. In 2021 and beyond, these individuals will be dedicating their time, treasure, and talents to our continued success and growing community impact: 
RecycleForce Board Members
Keys2 Board Members

We welcome others who would like to join with us in the success of these partnered organizations committed to making our community safer and better for all.

Warm regards,

Doran Moreland 
Board Chair, Keys2

John Purcell
Board Chair, RecycleForce