In advance of Earth Day, Gregg Keesling, an Indianapolis-based social entrepreneur, has been named a Hoosier Resilience Hero by Indiana University’s Environmental Resilience Institute (ERI).
Keesling has been a leader in workforce development in Indianapolis for the past 25 years. He is the founder and president of RecycleForce, an Indianapolis-based employment social enterprise, and the alternative staffing social enterprise Keys2Work, which he founded with his wife, Jannett. RecycleForce delivers electronic waste management services, diverting millions of pounds of recyclable materials from landfills, including e-waste containing toxic metals that can contaminate the soil and water. Equally important, Keesling’s nonprofit has provided transitional employment, industry-recognized skills training and ancillary services to thousands of ex-offenders. Evaluated as part of the U.S. Department of Labor’s Enhanced Transitional Jobs Demonstration, RecycleForce had outcomes that warranted a cost-benefit analysis. Its model, known as the ABC Model (Any Job – Better Job – Career), resulted in a 120% return on investment for society. By giving formerly incarcerated individuals a second chance, RecycleForce is remaking the things society throws away.
Hoosier Resilience Heroes are individuals and groups committed to ensuring a safe, healthy environment for their families, their neighbors and future generations. This year’s cohort includes professionals and volunteers dedicated to sustainable agriculture, clean energy development, environmental justice, and other aspects of environmental protection and resilience.
“From farms, to suburbs, to urban neighborhoods, everywhere you look you find people working to make Indiana a healthier, more environmentally sustainable place to live,” said ERI Director Janet McCabe. “Our heroes are leading the charge against ongoing threats to our state, such as climate change and long-term social and environmental inequities. We applaud their efforts and are inspired by their contributions to our state.”
To learn more about ERI’s 2021 Hoosier Resilience Heroes go to:
About the Environmental Resilience Institute
Indiana University’s Environmental Resilience Institute brings together a broad, bipartisan coalition of government, business, nonprofit and community leaders to help Indiana better prepare for the challenges that environmental changes bring to Indiana’s economy, health, and livelihood. Launched in May 2017, ERI is working to deliver tailored and actionable solutions to communities across the state of Indiana.